Computers are where the futurelies .The need of the hour is to give the Go for Computers movement on impetus and groom the younger generation for the opportunities waiting to be grabbed. create awareness about computers by bringing in an element of challenge and competition as about inspiring the younger generation to enhance their knowledge and comprehension of issues related to computers and information technology. The school has three well-equipped computer labs with multimedia systems to provide I.T training to the students from class III to XII. In senior classes students can opt Computer Science/Informatics Practices as a subject and can take up a career in computers and IT in the future. A rich collection of interactive learning Video CDs is accessible to the teachers for explaining the topic through demonstrations. We also have Internet facility, which helps not only the teachers but also the students to explore more in the subject. The I.T. Department of DAV Public School Kota provides in service training to the teaching faculty to make them run with the current age.
A fully equipped computer lab is functioning for primary children. In this lab, they learn to become machine friendly and to use computer as a useful tool in learning. They learn to create presentations, do calculations, prepare graphics, and present data
In Senior Computer Lab, we give training and hands on experience to the young minds for the latest technologies such as: Java NetBeans IDE, Oracle, MySQL, C++, Web Designing HTML, XML, Macromedia Flash etc. through various software tools so that our students can meet the challenging era of information technology. They learn to create and develop websites, animations, presentations, graphics, cartoons, movies etc.