Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year's performance. Hence regularity in attendance and work is a must. Students has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject in each exam.
Two written examination (80 marks each in an academic year)
These written examination will scheduled in the month of September and March.
Internal assement( 20 marks) it includes-:
Perodic Test(10 marks) - Perodic written test restricted to three in each subject in an acedimic year.Average of the best two tests to be taken for final marks submission.
Note book submission (5 Marks) it includes-:
Regularity,assignment completion, Neatness and upkeep of notebook.
Subject enrichment Activity(5 marks) it will have a preview on-:
Speaking and Listening Skill
Practical Lab work
Map work, Project